Meelup Management has achieved the pinnacle of certification, being recognised as a Platinum Certified Consultant through the thorough and expansive application of diagnostics.

For Individual

Personality Scan
The value in learning about personality is that it can inform an individual about the situations where a preferred behavioural style will prove to be a boon and when it might become a hindrance. Research is showing that people’s personalities interact with elements of their working environments to predict specific work outcomes.
HEXACO Personality Scan 360º (HPS360)
The HEXACO Personality Scan 360 ° (HPS360) is an evidence-based, scientifically rigorous assessment of normal personality based on Ashton and Lee’s HEXACO personality framework. Individuals gain insight not only into how they view their own personality but also how others view their personality — that is, a full 360° view of personality.

Emerging Leaders – Leadership Development Assessment
The most widely adopted model for conceptualising, organising, and assessing interpersonal behaviours is the interpersonal circumplex (IPC).
Circumplex Behaviour Scan 360º (CBS360)
The Circumplex Behaviour Scan 360º(CBS360) is an evidence-based interpersonal circumplex tool that scientifically measures the full range of interpersonal behaviours, providing insight into how an individual interacts with others.
This insight empowers an individual to create measurable behaviour change linked to improved performance.

Leaders/Transformational Leaders
The most widely adopted model for conceptualising, organising, and assessing interpersonal behaviours is the interpersonal circumplex (IPC).
The Circumplex Leadership Scan 360º (CLS360)
The Circumplex Leadership Scan 360º (CLS360) is the first evidence-based interpersonal circumplex leadership tool that scientifically measures the full range of leadership interpersonal behaviour.
It measures key aspects of transformational leadership theory through the three leadership styles most correlated with effectiveness: Inspirational, Coaching, and Participative.
For Teams

Team Effectiveness & Engagement Levels
Circumplex Team Scan™ (CTS) Current and Ideal
The most widely adopted model for conceptualising, organising, and assessing interpersonal behaviours is the interpersonal circumplex (IPC).
Circumplex Team Scan™ 360º (CTS360)
The Circumplex Team Scan™ (CTS) is the contemporary adaptation of the IPC used to measure both the ideal and current culture of a team.
The CTS measures interpersonal behavioural norms within a given team, and includes outcome questions that are focused on the team and how it functions.
For Company Wide/Culture and Engagement Survey

Culture Audit – Culture & Engagement Levels
The most widely adopted model for conceptualising, organising, and assessing interpersonal behaviours is the interpersonal circumplex (IPC).
Circumplex Culture Scan™ (CCS)
The Circumplex Culture Scan™ (CCS) is the contemporary adaptation of the IPC used to measure both the ideal and current culture of an organisation.
The CCS measures interpersonal behavioural norms or organisational culture, and associated outcomes such as engagement.